Ok, these are various error messages the server can spit out at you, complete with their cause:
Connection refused: connect
There is no server online on the ip:port you put in.
You are not whitelisted on this server
You are not whitelisted on the server you are trying to connect to.
User Not Premium
"Free" aka
**** Minecraft clients do no pass the minecraft.net authentication, if you want to play on the servers: Buy the game.
java.io.IOException: Server returned HTTP response code: 503 <long URl>
Server cannot confirm who you are with minecraft.net because minecraft.net is down, try again later.
Failed to login: Bad Login
Logging in too quickly after last attempt.
End of stream
Server has stopped sending information.
Took to long to log in
minecraft.net wasn't responding so the server cannot authenticate you.
Outdated server
If you use pre-release or a version that has just been released, servers are unlikely to support until the required programs are updated for it.
java.net.SocketException: Connection reset
Either the server has shut down or it's doing something very intensive, try again later.
Your reputation is below this servers threshold
This is the MCBans plugin, you can check your reputation on their website.
Outdated client
You're connecting to a server on a newer version than the minecraft you're using, this either means you didn't hit the update button or they are running a pre-release server.
This server responded with an invalid server key
This is actually a measure to stop an exploit with modified servers, however it has a bug which causes it to have false positives in half of the connections, will be fixed soon.
If you encounter an error that is not covered, feel free to post it.