Passive- Passive mobs will never attack the player. All passive mobs require land and light to spawn on. However, squid are the only mob that requires water to spawn. Here they are: cat, chicken, cow, mooshroom, ocelot, pig, sheep, squid and villager's.
Neutral- Neutral mobs will not attack the player unless provoked. The act of provoking neutral mobs varies between mobs. Here they are: enderman, wolf and zombie pigman.
Hostile- Hostile mobs will attack the player when in range. Cave spiders, zombies, creepers, skeletons, spiders, and spider jockeys require a light level of 7 or less to spawn. All mobs' hostility levels are based on how they are spawned by default. Spiders may become neutral, but they do not spawn neutral. Here they are: blaze, cave spider, creeper, ghast , magma cube, silverfish, skeleton, slime, spider, spider jockey and zombie's.
Utility- Utility mobs are created by and serve the player. Here they are: snow golem and iron golem.
Bosses- Boss mobs have more complicated attack patterns and movements. They also have a large amount of health as well. Boss mobs only spawn once per world. Here they are: ender dragon.
Hope you enjoyed this guide!