What's your problem?
Why would "merchscape.ethanmendelson.com" be different than "merscahpe.smffy.com"?
I would just have to make an add-on domain of merchscape.com, and it would be just peachy.
It's just a domain name, you'd have just as much control; never mind.
You tell me, I don't see how it's any differen't. If it's temporary why switch anyways?
When I said that, I meant the domain name it's self. In Orange's post, he stated that making a subdomain on my site would make it less his, and I asked how a subdomain on smffy would be any more "his" than one on my site.
As for your question, it doesn't make too much sence.
What's the difference between a smffy.com forum, and your own webserver? I think you can answer that yourself.