k/kk= Ok
idk= I don't know
****= Scottish meatball
wtf= What the f**k
wuv= Love
u= You
omfg= Oh my f**king god/goodness
omg= Oh my god/goodness
lol= Laugh out loud/ lots of love
ftw= For the win
fml= F**k my life
lmao= Laugh my ass off
rofl= Roll on floor laughing
pk= Player kill
troll= Dialgaz =P
Some items:
maul= Granite maul
gs= Godsword
claws= Dragon claws
d pl8= Dragon platebody/legs
bcp= Bandos chestplate
100% typed using the wii =P Tell me if you have any more =)
P:S. I'll add more later when I get time.
idk= I don't know
****= Scottish meatball
wtf= What the f**k
wuv= Love
u= You
omfg= Oh my f**king god/goodness
omg= Oh my god/goodness
lol= Laugh out loud/ lots of love
ftw= For the win
fml= F**k my life
lmao= Laugh my ass off
rofl= Roll on floor laughing
pk= Player kill
troll= Dialgaz =P
Some items:
maul= Granite maul
gs= Godsword
claws= Dragon claws
d pl8= Dragon platebody/legs
bcp= Bandos chestplate
100% typed using the wii =P Tell me if you have any more =)
P:S. I'll add more later when I get time.